This post is the first installment of an ongoing series entitled, “Playlist Apocalypse”. My playlist to end all playlists. This series will consist of short posts, each highlighting a song that had an impact on me for one reason or another. Some of these may have personal stories attached and some, like this one, simply spoke to me in a moment or reflected a snapshot in my own life.

​Caveat: You may not like some of these and that’s OK. Also, my discussion of a song or band/artist is not necessarily an endorsement, it’s just a reflection on that single song and its impact on me. Your mileage may vary…

Please comment with your own songs that have had an impact on you or hold a special meaning for you. Hope you enjoy.

Every Day Is Exactly the Same
Have you ever felt that you are stuck on repeat, just a pawn in someone else’s game? A hamster on a wheel? That no matter how much you try to make a change, you are doomed to repeat the same routine with the same result?

In “Everyday is Exactly the Same”, Trent Reznor sings, “There is no love here and there is no pain. Everyday is exactly the same…”

Sometimes it’s the simplest songs that resonate with us the most. This one cuts deep to the core of some of the emotions I have wrestled with during the more difficult moments in my life when it seemed like I was going nowhere and had no real sense of direction anyway. I don’t find this song depressing. In fact, it was (and still is) very cathartic for me. Haunting, yet hopeful.