For the second installment in “Playlist Apocalypse”, my playlist to end all playlists, we will discuss “Alive” by P.O.D. When […]

It’s the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine…)
A poor excuse for an Apocalypse… So, here we are… September 24th, 2017… the day after the end of the […]

In the End…
I am truly heart-broken over the news of Chester Bennington’s suicide. Not just because he was a famous rockstar, but for […]

Playlist Apocalypse #1: “Every Day Is Exactly the Same” by Nine Inch Nails
IntroThis post is the first installment of an ongoing series entitled, “Playlist Apocalypse”. My playlist to end all playlists. This […]

Payable on Death: How a Rock Band Saved My Life
The year was 2001 and I was in a serious funk. Psychologists would call it a depression… and they would […]