The Conspiracy

For about a week now, my Facebook and Twitter feeds have been blowing up with posts from conservative friends, family, and acquaintances. They are outraged over the fact that takes you to Biden’s campaign site,  

My Perspective

Let’s take a look at what my perspective is and why I’m taking the time to write this post. I am a Christian, politically libertarian guy who owns, manages, or maintains 11 websites. In other words, I don’t know everything but I probably know more about how websites work than the average person. (They likely have no reason to know or care.) Also, my primary political concern is avoiding the extremes of both leftist ideology (socialism, communism) and the alt-right over-correction (fascism). On a more personal level, I feel that it is the moral obligation of Christians to attempt to adhere to policies of honesty, integrity, empathy, and love.

The Facts

First things first, does, in fact, redirect to This means absolutely nothing other than someone at Antifa set up a redirect.

Let’s look at what that means. Setting up a redirect is so easy to do that I could redirect all 11 of the sites I manage to (or in a matter of a few minutes. They wouldn’t have to know and would likely never find out. This has been all over the internet, so obviously they know. That doesn’t mean that they were in on the plan or that they even want their endorsement. The Biden/Harris campaign is trying to play to moderate Dems after all.

Therefore, the site redirect is not an endorsement of Antifa by Biden. It is simply an endorsement of Biden by Antifa. Maybe he does support them, but let’s wait and hear it from him. 

The Problem

Most of my politically conservative friends are conservative Christians. They promote the values of honesty, fairness, and moral integrity, as they should.

Here’s the rub…

They promote those values, but they (not all but many) do not live them in their actions or even their words, beyond mere platitudes.

To be clear, I’m not a Biden supporter. This should not be construed as support for any candidate or their platform. I don’t believe in the values of the Democratic Party.

I do believe in fairness, however. 

If you are going to judge Biden by the worst of his supporters (Antifa), then judge Trump by the worst of his (David Duke & the KKK).

The left did this when David Duke first came out in support of Trump. A roar of protest went up from conservatives.

“That’s not fair!”, they screamed.

They were right but the same logic applies in the case of Biden and Antifa.

The Solution

We say we believe in honesty, fairness, and moral integrity, then let’s put our money where our mouth is. 

I hear complaints daily about the unfairness of the left and the mainstream media. Those are valid complaints, but they are invalidated the moment you turn around and make an unfair assessment yourself. 

It’s not complicated. 

It’s the Golden Rule.

If you want fairness, be fair. 

It’s like grandma said, “What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.”

Let each candidate’s own words and actions speak for them, not the words or actions of their followers.

They can’t control who endorses them. 

Trump and Biden both have supporters who are domestic terrorists. 

Let’s get over that. Half the world’s gone crazy at this point. 

Please, for the love of liberty, let’s stop the insult hurling. Stop the name-calling. Let’s stop acting like preschoolers and get back to the issues!


**I have already had people deny that David Duke supported Trump and claim that he is supporting the Democrats. This is simply false. His twitter account has since been taken down but you can still find screenshots online where he endorsed Trump for 2020 and suggests he replace Mike Pence with Tucker Carlson. For anyone still doubting, here’s a video link of Duke explaining why he supports Trump during the Charlottesville rally in 2017:

Related Posts

Here is a blog post I wrote about the Charlottesville tragedy that happened on the day the previous video was made:

Check out these two blog posts that I wrote on the topic of hate and rage from the mouths of “Christians”: